
reference genome, VCF

Posted by dulunar on December 19, 2019 | 访问量:


最近做的项目要对reference genome基于突变进行一些modify,制作personalized genome或者说是psuedo-genome伪基因组。其实就是把某个测序样本call出来的SNP && indel替换掉参考基因组对应位置的碱基。 自己可以编写脚本修改,使用Perl中的substr来进行单个位点修改,把坐标按照从后往前的顺序,而不是从前到后。 其实有蛮多工具可以做这个的,在这里安利一下,大家可以使用体验一下。

GATK FastaAlternateReferenceMaker

GATK作为通用的变异检测的软件,其中有很多有用的工具,这里介绍一下FastaAlternateReferenceMaker: Create an alternative reference by combining a fasta with a vcf.


$ /gatk_software_path/gatk FastaAlternateReferenceMaker \
   -R /ref_genome_path/reference-genome.fasta 
   -O /ref_genome_path/psuedo-genome.fa \
   -L input.intervals \
   -V /variant_path/input.vcf \

   [--snp-mask mask.vcf]

这里的-L参数可以多单个基因或者基因组一段区域进行替换。 --snp-mask参数,当构建时psuedo-genome.fa时,该VCF文件中的SNP用作掩码(在序列中插入N)。 运行结束,个人的参考基因组就构建好了,一般制作psuedo-genome.fa就是为了消除变异带来的影响,部分其他参数可以到gatk官网查阅。另外FastaAlternateReferenceMaker使用简单的indel,当VCF文件包含复杂的位点时(complex substitutions),会忽略。 PS:

If there are multiple variants that start at a site, it chooses one of them randomly.
When there are overlapping indels (but with different start positions) only the first will be chosen.


perEditor用于分析phased SNPs/indels,意味着VCF文件中的GT0|1/1|1/1|2,而不是我们常见的0/1这种,明确知道变异是在母本还是父本染色体上,第一个是母本,第二个是父本,使用方式如下:

$ perEditor ref_genome.fa snps_indels.vcf allele indivicual personalized_genome.fa

$ perEditor chr1.fa variations.vcf mother 1 chr1_customized.fa

这里对参数进行一下解释: allele两个选项mother|father,代表等位基因来自于哪一个亲本; indivicual,整数,这个是因为有一些VCF文件中不止包含一个样本的突变信息,参数代表选择第几个样本的突变来进行创建personalized genome1代表第一个样本;




$ ls chr*fa
chr1.fa  chr2.fa  chr3.fa  chr4.fa
$ perEditor_ra rearrangements.vcf chr_length.bed centromeres.bed individual allele
$ perEditor_ra rearrangements_t.vcf chr_length_t.bed centromeres_t.bed 1 father

这里的individualallele参数和perEditor是一样的含义; rearrangements_t.vcf,染色体重排注释结果,vcf format version 4.1; chr_length_t.bed,文件中包含基因组每一条染色体的长度,即核苷酸总数,格式如下:

chr1	200
chr2	104
chr3	154
chr4	102


chr1	50	60
chr2	15	20
chr3	20	30
chr4	80	90


$ ls *new*fa
chr1_new.fa  chr2_new.fa  chr3_new.fa  chr4_new.fa



g2gtools通过将SNP和indels整合到参考基因组中来创建自定义基因组,提取感兴趣的区域(例如外显子或转录本),并在两个基因组之间转换文件(bam,gtf,bed)的坐标。 与其他liftover 工具不同,g2gtools不会丢弃掉落在indel区域上的alignments。 版本0.2可以创建个人二倍体基因组。 新版本仍然将个人基因组坐标上的二倍体比对转换回参考基因组,因此我们可以比较种群样本之间的比对。


$ conda config --add channels r
$ conda config --add channels bioconda
$ conda create -n g2gtools python=2 jupyter ipykernel
$ source activate g2gtools
$ conda install -c kbchoi g2gtools


先激活virtual environment:

source activate g2gtools


${REF}         reference genome in fasta format
${STRAIN}      strain name (usually a column name in the vcf file)
${VCF_INDELS}  vcf file for indels
${VCF_SNPS}    vcf file for snps
${GTF}         gene annotation file in gtf format


# 创建映射两个基因组之间的碱基的chain文件
g2gtools vcf2chain -f ${REF} -i ${VCF_INDELS} -s ${STRAIN} -o ${STRAIN}/REF-to-${STRAIN}.chain
# 把snp添补到ref genome上
g2gtools patch -i ${REF} -s ${STRAIN} -v ${VCF_SNPS} -o ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.patched.fa
# 将indels整合到snp添补后的基因组中
$ g2gtools transform -i ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.patched.fa -c ${STRAIN}/REF-to-${STRAIN}.chain -o ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.fa
# 针对新的定制基因组创建定制基因注释
$ g2gtools convert -c ${STRAIN}/REF-to-${STRAIN}.chain -i ${GTF} -f gtf -o ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.gtf
$ g2gtools gtf2db -i ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.gtf -o ${STRAIN}/${STRAIN}.gtf.db




git clone https://github.com/abyzovlab/vcf2diploid.git
cd vcf2diploid


java -Xmx10g -jar vcf2diploid.jar -id sample_id -chr file1.fa file2.fa ... [-vcf file1.vcf file2.vcf ...] > logfile.txt
id    - (required) the ID of individual whose genome is being constructed (e.g., NA12878). The tool recognizes by this ID in the VCF file 
chr   - (required) FASTA file(s) of reference sequence(s) 
vcf   - (required) VCF4.0 file(s) containing variants from parents and the individual 
Xmx   - max memory allocation for JAVA. In this example, 10GB was allocated.
logfile.txt - stores the standard output produce from the run

bcftools consensus


About: Create consensus sequence by applying VCF variants to a reference fasta
       file. By default, the program will apply all ALT variants. Using the
       --sample (and, optionally, --haplotype) option will apply genotype
       (or haplotype) calls from FORMAT/GT. The program ignores allelic depth
       information, such as INFO/AD or FORMAT/AD.
Usage:   bcftools consensus [OPTIONS] <file.vcf>
    -c, --chain <file>         write a chain file for liftover
    -e, --exclude <expr>       exclude sites for which the expression is true (see man page for details)
    -f, --fasta-ref <file>     reference sequence in fasta format
    -H, --haplotype <which>    choose which allele to use from the FORMAT/GT field, note
                               the codes are case-insensitive:
                                   1: first allele from GT
                                   2: second allele
                                   R: REF allele in het genotypes
                                   A: ALT allele
                                   LR,LA: longer allele and REF/ALT if equal length
                                   SR,SA: shorter allele and REF/ALT if equal length
    -i, --include <expr>       select sites for which the expression is true (see man page for details)
    -I, --iupac-codes          output variants in the form of IUPAC ambiguity codes
    -m, --mask <file>          replace regions with N
    -o, --output <file>        write output to a file [standard output]
    -s, --sample <name>        apply variants of the given sample
   # Get the consensus for one region. The fasta header lines are then expected
   # in the form ">chr:from-to".
   samtools faidx ref.fa 8:11870-11890 | bcftools consensus in.vcf.gz > out.fa


$ bcftools consensus <file.vcf> \
  --fasta-ref <file> \
  --iupac-codes \
  --output <file> \
  --sample <name>
# Apply variants present in sample "NA001", output IUPAC codes for hets
$ bcftools consensus -i -s NA001 -f in.fa in.vcf.gz > out.fa

# Create consensus for one region. The fasta header lines are then expected
# in the form ">chr:from-to".
$ samtools faidx ref.fa 8:11870-11890 | bcftools consensus in.vcf.gz -o out.fa



$ samtools mpileup -d8000 -q 20 -Q 10 -uf  REFERENCE.fasta Your_File.bam | bcftools call -c | vcfutils.pl vcf2fq  > OUTPUT.fastq
# d, --max-depth
# -q, -min-MQ Minimum mapping quality for an alignment to be used
# -Q, --min-BQ Minimum base quality for a base to be considered
$ sed -i -e '/^+/,/^\@/{/^+/!{/^\@/!d}}; /^+/ d; s/@/>/g' OUTPUT.fastq


FastaAlternateReferenceMaker perEditor A tool to create personalized genome sequences g2gtools creates custom genomes by incorporating SNPs and indels into reference genome Welcome to g2gtools’ documentation Personal Genome Constructor (vcf2diploid tool) construct DNA sequence based on variation and human reference

								—— dulunar 后记于 2019.12